When you use our services, sometimes you'll be asked to go through Captcha — short for 'Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart'. It's a quick test we use to verify that you're a human, to keep Wise safe from unwanted bots. We use a service called Turnstile from Cloudflare.
I'm having trouble with a Captcha challenge
If you're facing an issue with a challenge, here are some things you can do.
1. Check that your browser is compatible
Make sure you're using a browser that's compatible with Turnstile, and you're using the latest version of the browser.
Turnstile challenges support all major browsers, except Internet Explorer.
2. Clear the cache
Clearing the cache in your browser helps clean it up and make things run more smoothly.
Here's a list of popular browsers and their instructions on clearing the cache:
3. Enable cookies
Enabling cookies helps you get the best experience when using Wise as it helps to work with your preferences.
Here's a list of popular browsers and their instructions on how to manage cookies:
4. Disable all browser extensions
Browser extensions can prevent the challenge from running normally — try disabling your extensions and reloading the page. You can install them or enable them again after you've finished the challenge.
5. Enable JavaScript
JavaScript is a programming language, and it can help your browser run smoothly.
Here's a list of popular browsers and their instructions on how to enable JavaScript:
6. Switch off your VPN or proxy
Using a VPN or proxy can block your website from running normally. Try disabling them while you finish the challenge before switching them on again.
If none of the steps worked
If you've tried everything we suggested for your browser and it still doesn't work, you can:
Download the app instead — you might find it easier to use
Try again in incognito or private mode
Test with another browser or device, if there is one available
Try from a different network