Wise’s fees are based on which currencies you send between, how you pay, and how much you send. The more you send, the lower your fee can be.
How to get our lowest fee of 0.1%
To get the discounted fee of 0.1%, you'll need to meet these requirements:
Amount: convert more than 2 million GBP or equivalent within a calendar month.
If you send over 2 million GBP in one go or if you send it over several transfers, any amount over 2 million GBP gets the lower fee.
Currencies: convert money between AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, or USD.
Applicable transaction types: this pricing applies to balance conversions, or when sending from your Wise balance to another Wise balance
Are there any restrictions?
If you're converting over 2 million GBP in one transfer:
You can only convert during market hours. That’s 00:00–8:30 PM UTC, Monday to Friday. This helps us manage our risk to keep our fee as low as we can.
You can’t convert when it’s a bank holiday in the currency you’re converting to. For example, you can’t convert GBP to USD when it’s a bank holiday in the US.
If you live in a country that can get Wise balances, you can send this amount in one go, except if you live in Australia*, Brazil, and Malaysia.
*There's a lower limit of 1.8 million AUD for Australian residents and businesses. If you need to send more, please reach out to largetransfers@wise.com — we’ll try to help.
What are my fees if I send less than 2 million GBP?
When you send over 20,000 GBP or equivalent during a month, you’ll get discounted fees. Learn more about pricing on large amounts
You can see exactly how much you’ll pay on our pricing page. Just enter your currencies, how you're going to pay, and amount.
You can convert up to 5 million GBP or equivalent between GBP, EUR, CAD and USD. If you want to convert more, please get in touch.
If you need more help sending large amounts, get in touch with our team so we can help out.
Please see the Terms of Use for your region or visit Wise Fees & Pricing for the most up-to-date pricing and fee information.